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11-22 Sound Healing Meditation with Annette

11-22 Sound Healing Meditation with Annette

with Annette Stella

November 22 (Friday)



What is Sound Healing? 

Sound healing is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing to man. It began 40,000 year ago in Australia. It uses the power of vibrational sound to restore one mind, body & spirit back to a state of balance. 

During sound healing/sound bath you should wear comfortable clothing because you will be lying back taking in the sounds & vibrations. Please bring a yoga mat to lay on. Feel free to also bring pillows/blankets so that you can be as comfortable as possible. 


Relaxes the body, calms the mind, increases circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress & anxiety, improves sleep, detoxes on a cellular level, enhances clarity, releases emotional trauma, promotes happiness & makes positive changes to our whole being. 

About Annette

In 2012, I began my healing journey through the power of vibrational sounds. After struggling for 9 long years, with little help from traditional doctors, my life changed. when I cam across the ancient practice. My body became balanced & healed. In 2015, I became a certified Sound Healer at the Sage Center of the Healing Arts in Woodstock, NY. I have made it my mission to use the power of my crystal singing bowls (& many other unique instruments) to help others restore & renew their physical, mental & spiritual well being. 

Regular price $40.00
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