Prolonged Perception
Recent Paintings by Doug Reina
April 7 - May 22
Opening Reception
Thursday, April 7
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The opening reception for Prolonged Perception: Recent Paintings by Doug Reina will be free and open to the public. Free food and refreshments provided.
ArTalk with Doug Reina
Saturday, April 9
6:00 pm
Sit down with Doug Reina and Gallery North's Executive Director, Ned Puchner, for a discussion about Reina's creative practice and the focus of his recent paintings. The ArTalk with Doug Reina will be free and open to the public. Free food and refreshments provided.
This ArTalk is presented in collaboration with the Shirley Strum Kenny Arts Festival at Stony Brook University.
For more information, visit: stonybrook.edu/commcms/artsfest/
Community Art Crawl
Saturday, April 30
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Presented in collaboration with the Staller Center for the Arts and Team Ardolino/Realty Connect, the Community Art Crawl will feature some of the local area's most prestigious art and cultural centers, including the Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery, and the Charles B. Wang Center at Stony Brook University, as well as Gallery North, the Jazz Loft, the Reboli Center for Art and History, and the Long Island Explorium.
Each venue will feature art, history, and music exhibitions, presentations, and other special surprises. Transportation to all venues will be provided by the Staller Center and Team Ardolino/Realty Connect.
Gallery North will host a "meet and greet" with our featured artist, Doug Reina, that day from 12 pm to 2 pm. We will also have a raffle, along with a special, one-day discount on items in the Gift Shop at Gallery North.
Join us for this wonderful day of community advocacy for the arts!
Check back here for more details in the coming weeks.
Doug Reina’s first solo exhibition at Gallery North, Prolonged Perception: Recent Paintings by Doug Reina highlights the artist’s exploration of obscure, ordinary spaces of contemporary life that are often shielded from view. Austere, brooding compositions, Reina’s paintings find a dream-like emptiness within back streets, shacks, and overgrown backyards. Each painting begins black. Color and form are added over a black ground, lifting them out of the picture plane. Colors blast forth. There are broad flashes of light, but the black ground remains visible everywhere. It pops out between brushstrokes or creates a colossal abyss below buildings, pulling the rug out from underneath them. There is a rootlessness here. We wander in some lucid dream, half remembered; amid dark voids and divine light. He leads us into a space of sharp contrasts, one in which our eye fragments into the surface it contemplates.
A two-time Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant recipient, Doug Reina has been a Long Island-based painter for 30 years. His artwork has been exhibited in galleries and museums nationally, and is included in significant private and public collections. Apart from his painting, Reina is a cartoonist whose work has appeared in the New Yorker magazine as well as with King Features Syndicate. He also co-curated the group exhibition Face to Face: Artists Painting Artists, at the Long Island Museum in 2019, was a co-founder of the North Shore Artists Coalition, and co-created LIMarts, a collaborative arts group for the Long Island Museum. He is also a Trustee of the Long Island Museum, has served on the Exhibition Committee for the Art League of Long Island, and teaches private studio classes at his studio in Setauket, New York.
This exhibition is generously sponsored by Jefferson’s Ferry, the Michael & Ronne Cosel Foundation, bld Architecture, and Suffolk County’s Department of Economic Development and Planning.
Print exhibition catalog available below